
巴黎2018年12月22日电 Auction Sale Ranking by Artprice is here to decipher the major art market trends for you. This week, Artprice and thierryEhrmann (sculptor and plastic artist) focus on the sculpture works that achieved top sales in 2018 auction. This year, the title of the best performing sculptures goes to French artists in the 20th century: Giacometti's five auctions exceeded $10 million; Rodin set the fourth highest auction record with "Baiser, moyen modele dit Taille de la Porte" (1890); Matisse's "Nu allongé I(Aurore)" (1907) became his second highest auction work; Brancusi, who everyone talked about, set a new world record. Among contemporary artists, only Jeff Koons () can be compared with these art masters, although the market has responded to his works with some ups and downs...

Bran-cu-si set a new world record. After 90 years of brewing and settling, this work was finally sold for $71 million, making it the most expensive sculpture work of the year and also a milestone in the history of 20th-century art. "Lajeunefillesophistique (Portraitde)" was created by Brancusi in 1928. It is a polished gold-plated brass sculpture with a white marble base. The gold-plated appearance of this work is dazzling, with a beautiful form and vibrant spirit. The work was modeled after Nancy Cunard (), a female artist who has always been devoted to maintaining racial equality and civil rights in the United States, and was a staunch supporter of surrealism and Dadaism. Her friends include Aragon and Joyce. "Lajeunefillesophistique" was auctioned by Christie's in New York in May this year, setting a historical record for Brancusi's works, far surpassing his other masterpiece "Museendormie" (1913), which was sold in May 2017. The price of "Museendormie" has experienced multiple rounds of rising in the past ten years, reflecting the market's favor for Brancusi's outstanding works: the transaction price in 1997 was $6.6 million, and the estimated price in 2017 was $25 million to $35 million. However, after nearly ten minutes of fierce competition, it was finally sold for $57.3 million. This record-breaking work is rarely auctioned and is one of the artist's most representative works. Its transaction price far exceeded expectations.

Alberto Giacometti occupies half of the top ten. Among the top ten auction items this year, Alberto Giacometti has five seats and occupies a prominent position in the high-end sculpture market. Like Picasso and Warhol, his works also fascinate art collectors. Giacometti is a member of the "one hundred million dollar artist" and his work "L'hommequimarcheI" sold for $103.6 million at Sotheby's in 2010. His another work "L'hommeaudoigt" sold for $141.2 million in Christie's in 2015. However, judging from the recent transaction prices, the craze that started in 2010 seems to have cooled down. This is reflected in the two auctions of his famous bronze sculptures: "Le Chat". The tall and thin bronze cat statue authorized eight replicas, of which the third edition was sold for $20.8 million in 2010. After being estimated at $20 million to $30 million in May this year, it was sold in June for less than $4 million below the estimated price.


阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂 (AlbertoGiacometti)已经不需要虚假的记录来证明自己的吸引力。虽然今年还未出现天价作品,但这位艺术家的作品仍然非常抢手:贾科梅蒂 (Giacometti) 仍然是市场上相对受欢迎的艺术家之一,其作品的未售出率非常低(仅18%)。他在 Artprice 2018 年度报告的临时排名中排名第 14 位,年销售额略高于 1 亿美元。

仅有一位当代艺术家跻身前十。在这个排名中,Jeff Koons 凭借其作品《Play-Doh》 (1994-2014) 登上前列。该作品由彩色铝合金制成,以彩色粘土颜料堆积而成,高达三米多,于今年五月在佳士得首次拍卖。《Play-Doh》的最终成交价达 2280 万美元,成功进入前十。

本次拍卖为美国艺术家挽回颜面,但未能阻止其作品价格急剧下降的趋势。今年,美国艺术家的业绩为 3240 万美元,相比于 10 年前的 8900 万美元,价格指数下降了 27 个百分点。原因何在?高端供应在大量作品的冲击下稀释了。


关于雅昌文化集团 (Artron):


创始人兼董事长蒂里·艾尔曼 先生:“我们以百分之百的热情和诚意签署了一份共同达成十条项目协议合同。除了合同之外,Artprice也关注到了视频(360万点击量) 这次合作将成为艺术市场历史上的一个标志性事件,根据历史学家和艺术机构的评价,它将对艺术市场作出前所未有的贡献。相关机构的数据认证也表明,这次合作将从2019年起对Artprice的业务范围产生巨大影响。



观看视频,了解Artprice:董事长兼总经理ThierryEhrmann于1997年创立Artprice。Artprice由1987年创立的Serveur集团控股。参见已认证的Who'swho©传记: Artprice是全球艺术市场信息的领导者,其数据库包含3,000多万项指数,并涵盖超过700,000名艺术家。

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Artprice发布的 2018年上半年全球艺术市场总结报告:

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Artprice发布的 2018年当代艺术市场报告


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